TITLE dignet.library VERSION 2.1 AUTHOR Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen EMail: kenny@bgnett.no WWW: http://www.bgnett.no/~kenny/ DESCRIPTION A library that will do all the "dirty" work when handling serial devices and compatible devices (such as duart.device etc.) It provides functions which makes it very easy to use modem/nullmodem connections with programs and/or games. - resource tracking (*!* from v2.1 *!*) - fast handling (written in assembler). - painless to use, straight forward (few arguments to the functions) - string/binary support - possibility for advanced handling (eg. with Wait()) - doesn't loose any chars when sending/receiving - fully re-entrant (more connections open at the same time) - comes with defaul setting 8bit/1stopbit/19k2/RTS/CTS/7WIRE - easy to change default parameters - can be used from any language that support libraries. - does all error checking for you Archive includes developer information and a demo terminal program that uses the dignet.library. Archive also includes debug tools for resource tracking to free device and memory that are used by dead programs. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Required: OS2.04 or better AVAILABILITY Aminet /util/libs/ User files http://www.bgnett.no/~kenny/ (soon) Source code Includes source code for a terminal program that uses dignet.library. Source code of DignetTERM is public domain. PRICE Free DISTRIBUTABILITY Freeware authors: The library file can be distributed as a standalone file in your own archive as long as you include a credit (read autodoc). If credit is unsuitable you can distribute the whole archive as it came from AmiNet in your own archive. Shareware/Commercial authors can also include the file as a standalone file, but they should under any circumstances include a visable credit in their programs. If the library do more than 20% of the functionallity in the program the library is not allowed to be used without a license agreement. Shareware/commercial authors can buy them self free from the credit requirement in their programs. Take contact for more information. dignet.library is Copyright (c)1997 by Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen/ Digital Surface. Distributed as freeware.